Camemberu: Christine Wong from Tupperware brands introducing the wares
Camemberu: Chef Wan is a natural born performer
Camemberu: Ras el Hanout - the exotic Middle-Eastern spice blend
Camemberu: Chef Wan kept us in stitches with his endless jokes
Camemberu: Chef Wan using the 38cm Tupperchef wok for the tajine
Camemberu: Moroccan Chicken Tajine with Prunes and Olives
Camemberu: Arroz a la Cazuela (Spanish style Seafood Risotto)
Camemberu: Chef Wan bringing around his seafood risotto
Camemberu: Arroz a la Cazuela (Spanish style Seafood Risotto) as cooked by Chef Wan
Camemberu: Hot Spiced Apple Cake with Butterscotch Dressing
Camemberu: Chef Wan drizzling butterscotch dressing onto his apple cake
Camemberu: A happy Chef Wan with a cake well done!
Camemberu: Tupperware Starter Set
Camemberu: I adore Chef Wan!
Camemberu: His latest book compiles the best recipes from his career
Camemberu: Chef Wan cooking Moroccan Chicken Tajine