Camemberu: Sho Naganuma Masterclass presented by DBS Indulge
Camemberu: Chef Sho Naganuma is Executive Chef at Hide Yamamoto (Marina Bay Sands)
Camemberu: Chef Sho Naganuma presented to a full audience for the DBS Masterclass at AFC Studio
Camemberu: Here we have Japanese rice cooked in chicken stock, soy sauce and unsalted butter
Camemberu: Stuff the rice mixture into the poussin
Camemberu: Brush duck fat over the baby poussin
Camemberu: Sprinkle a bit of salt on the chicken. You don't need too much since it's been pre-soaked in 3% salted water
Camemberu: Chef Sho Naganuma speaks English very well, having spent time in the U.S.
Camemberu: Chef Sho Naganuma took questions along the way
Camemberu: Blend the eggs, dashi, white soy sauce and the white truffle oil
Camemberu: Chef Sho Naganuma reaching for the magic potion - white truffle oil!
Camemberu: You can steam the chawan mushi for about 5-10 minutes depending on how large your bowl is
Camemberu: Chef Sho Naganuma and his assistant at the AFC Studio
Camemberu: Chef Sho Naganuma and the MC kept a lively banter throughout the evening
Camemberu: Preparing the shark fin soup. You can use any ingredient you like, not necessarily shark fin..
Camemberu: Tasting your food is only a normal part of cooking
Camemberu: Chawan Mushi - black truffle flan with shark fin soup
Camemberu: Chef Sho Naganuma removing the roasted baby poussin from the oven
Camemberu: Baby poussin hot from the oven!
Camemberu: Magic mushrooms...
Camemberu: Chef Naganuma was very generous with the black truffle shavings
Camemberu: Grilled Baby Poussin with Buttered Soy and Truffle Rice
Camemberu: Chef Sho Naganuma
Camemberu: Chef Sho Naganuma
Camemberu: You can use agar as a vegetarian option instead of gelatin, for the yuzu jelly
Camemberu: Dessert proved to be the most complex dish
Camemberu: Yuzu Fizz! It's like cream with a tingly fizz!
Camemberu: Adding sugar and pectin mixture to boiled strawberries
Camemberu: Adding soy milk to strawberry compote
Camemberu: Sho scooping some tapioca pearls