Camemberu: Bloggers
Camemberu: They still use wood for cooking
Camemberu: Restoran Sek Yuen, once a place for impressive weddings
Camemberu: I love the decor and the table and chairs
Camemberu: Our KL blogger friends brought us back in time
Camemberu: Alilfatmonkey looking a bit too hip for his surroundings but admiring it nonetheless
Camemberu: Every little space is taken up
Camemberu: The old man pulls up the steamer cover and reveals large bamboo baskets
Camemberu: Old school cooking
Camemberu: See the woodfire stove, and the mise en place?
Camemberu: The kitchen has functioned like this for decades
Camemberu: That large drum-like cover is where they steam food, including rice
Camemberu: Sharks fin omelette
Camemberu: Fried fish head with lots of ginger, scallions, onions and mushrooms
Camemberu: Deep-fried nam yu pork
Camemberu: Eight Treasure Duck - a specialty that must be pre-ordered at least a day ahead
Camemberu: Eight Treasure Duck - filled with goodies
Camemberu: Chap chye - mixed vegetables
Camemberu: Minced meat fried roll
Camemberu: Roast chicken with prawn crackers! Keropok!
Camemberu: Fatboybakes signing his book for Keropokman
Camemberu: Pudu jail being torn down
Camemberu: KL has many old buildings like this one that still says Malaya