Camel Dive Club:
A Clearfin Lionfish during a nightdive in Naama Bay
Camel Dive Club:
The Stonefish is the most venomous fish currently known in the world
Camel Dive Club:
The Devil scorpionfish perfectly camouflages with the reef
Camel Dive Club:
A Dwarf Lionfish hiding in the seagrass are often seen in Dahab
Camel Dive Club:
A Stonefish half buried in the sand at Naama Bay
Camel Dive Club:
A Common Lionfish waiting for its prey
Camel Dive Club:
A Smallscale Scorpionfish at Ras Mohamed National Park
Camel Dive Club:
Lionfishes are best seen in the afternoon. Do not skip the third dive!
Camel Dive Club:
A juvenile Lionfish at Ras Mohamed National Park
Camel Dive Club:
The Devil scorpionfish is often misidentified as a Stonefish
Camel Dive Club:
The Common Lionfish is the most gracefull of Scorpionfishes
Camel Dive Club:
The Scorpionfishes family includes Scorpionfish, Lionfish and Stonefish