Camel Dive Club:
Choose a night dive as one of the adventures of the PADI Advance course
Camel Dive Club:
The beautifull Cerianthus sp can be seen only at night
Camel Dive Club:
Sharm el Sheikh offers perfect Night diving condition all year round
Camel Dive Club:
Night diving you can get much closer to shy critters
Camel Dive Club:
Night diving can be done from the shore or from the boat
Camel Dive Club:
Night dives at Naama Bay with an easy shore entry
Camel Dive Club:
Coral polyps feeding at night
Camel Dive Club:
An inquisitive Hermit crab, night diving in Naama Bay
Camel Dive Club:
A yellow box fish close up at Naama Bay
Camel Dive Club:
A Lionfish ready to eat an Hermit crab at Near Garden
Camel Dive Club:
A cup coral at Temple, a perfect site for night dives
Camel Dive Club:
The pharaoh cuttlefish goes out at night to haunt