CordeliaG: 20230515_180253
CordeliaG: 20230515_174025
CordeliaG: 20230515_181810
CordeliaG: 20230515_182116
CordeliaG: 20230515_182317
CordeliaG: 20230515_182541
CordeliaG: 2023-05-15_06-45-48
CordeliaG: I'm the king of the castle
CordeliaG: I'm the king of the castle
CordeliaG: Cuddling
CordeliaG: Chasing each other's tails
CordeliaG: The cuteness is overwhelming!
CordeliaG: Bruce's favourite spot.
CordeliaG: Kitten in a bin!
CordeliaG: 20230525_162335
CordeliaG: Current position - trapped under kittens again.
CordeliaG: Sleepy Bruce
CordeliaG: Sleepy
CordeliaG: 20230607_221954
CordeliaG: 20230607_221859
CordeliaG: 20230607_131438
CordeliaG: 20230606_220935
CordeliaG: 20230606_190519
CordeliaG: 20230606_190507
CordeliaG: Possible cutest Dolly Parton picture ever.
CordeliaG: Dolly temporarily makes a claim on the prime snoozing area under my chin.
CordeliaG: Bruce uses the jingly bell toy to entice Dolly from the prime chin spot, and nicks it for himself.
CordeliaG: new cat tree gets the seal of approval.
CordeliaG: Getting a bit big for the kitten tree.
CordeliaG: Feet!