Cambridge University: Michael on the banks of the Limpopo River, South Africa (Credit: Michael Ramage)
Cambridge University: Michael next to a one of the largest baobab trees in the park near the campground (Credit: Michael Ramage)
Cambridge University: A curious elephant inspects the campground (Credit: Michael Ramage)
Cambridge University: Michael teaching the history and construction of tile vaults to South African builders before they each make their own trial vault (Credit: James Bellamy)
Cambridge University: Michael standing on the first trial he built to demonstrate the effectiveness of tile vaulting (Credit: Michael Ramage)
Cambridge University: The main vault over the restaurant under construction (Credit: James Bellamy)
Cambridge University: The main exhibition hall in the Mapungubwe Interpretive Centre (Credit: Peter Rich Architects)
Cambridge University: The roofs of the Mapungubwe Interpretive Centre (Credit: Peter Rich Architects)