Exceed Worldwide: 36. Kret Sok (CT) reports back from Group 2
Exceed Worldwide: 37. MSC attendee reports from Group 3
Exceed Worldwide: 35. Srey Rann (CT) reports back from Group 1
Exceed Worldwide: 34.1. Writing it all up.
Exceed Worldwide: 34. Breakout Group 3 wrestle with self-advocacy
Exceed Worldwide: 33. Breakout Group 2 consider the more accessible campus scenario
Exceed Worldwide: 32. Breakout Group 1 debates the employment scenario
Exceed Worldwide: 31. Noun Savin (CT) impresses upon the forum, the need for a good CV
Exceed Worldwide: 30. Khun Sreyna (CT) shares her experiences from working at the ILO
Exceed Worldwide: 29. Eam Chanthe (CT) talks about how to prepare for interviews.
Exceed Worldwide: 28. Hong Sean (CT) speaks from the student panel
Exceed Worldwide: 27.1. The Student Panel
Exceed Worldwide: 27. Break time
Exceed Worldwide: 26. Break time.
Exceed Worldwide: 25. Khlod Dara (CT)
Exceed Worldwide: 24. Thearith from Krouser Thmey talks about the difficulties faced by blind students
Exceed Worldwide: 23. 1 Another question from the blind students
Exceed Worldwide: 23. Attendee from Krouser Thmey puts a question from the blind students.
Exceed Worldwide: 22. Kret Sok (CT) asks another.
Exceed Worldwide: 21. Slod Vannda (CT) poses a question.
Exceed Worldwide: 20. Questions from the floor.
Exceed Worldwide: 19. The Attendees
Exceed Worldwide: 18. The Attendees
Exceed Worldwide: 17. The Attendees
Exceed Worldwide: 16.1 The Attendees
Exceed Worldwide: 16. The Attendees
Exceed Worldwide: 15. Ngin Saorath speaks about disability legislation
Exceed Worldwide: 14. Eang Dara speaks about advocacy at university
Exceed Worldwide: 13. Youn Bunthoeun (CIOMAL) knows his stuff!
Exceed Worldwide: 12. We have a winner!!