Caly Applewhyte | CAP: ca|339 [ beauty is the food of the eyes and the sadness of the soul ]
Caly Applewhyte | CAP: ca|339 ..back.. [ beauty is the food of the eyes and the sadness of the soul ]
Caly Applewhyte | CAP: ca|359 [ se taire et brûler de l'intérieur est la pire punition qu'on puisse s'infliger... ]
Caly Applewhyte | CAP: ca|360 [ emprise... ]
Caly Applewhyte | CAP: ca|361 [ she is a queen, that can go from being royal to gangster in half second... ]
Caly Applewhyte | CAP: ca|363 [ either I will find a way or I will make one... ]
Caly Applewhyte | CAP: ca|365 [ replace fear of the unknown with curiosity... ]
Caly Applewhyte | CAP: ca|373 [ The Gate: there will be no miracle here... ]