Ross Shaw1: Hucks Lookout Wilpena Pound South Australia (2)
Ross Shaw1: Hucks Lookout Wilpena Pound South Australia (3)
Ross Shaw1: Hucks Lookout Wilpena Pound South Australia (5)
Ross Shaw1: Hucks Lookout Wilpena Pound South Australia (6)
Ross Shaw1: Blinman Wilpena Pound. BP sign still survives on what is now a Bakery Cafe.
Ross Shaw1: Great Wall of China Wilpena Pound South Australia (5)
Ross Shaw1: Great Wall of China Wilpena Pound South Australia (6)
Ross Shaw1: Great Wall of China Wilpena Pound South Australia (7)
Ross Shaw1: Great Wall of China Wilpena Pound South Australia (8)
Ross Shaw1: Great Wall of China Wilpena Pound South Australia (9)
Ross Shaw1: Great Wall of China Wilpena Pound South Australia (1)
Ross Shaw1: Driving into Wilpena Compund from Hawker South Australia (1)
Ross Shaw1: Driving into Wilpena Compund from Hawker South Australia (2)
Ross Shaw1: Driving into Wilpena Compund from Hawker South Australia (3)
Ross Shaw1: Driving into Wilpena Compund from Hawker South Australia (4)
Ross Shaw1: Driving into Wilpena Compund from Hawker South Australia (5)
Ross Shaw1: Wilpena Pound from the air (83)
Ross Shaw1: Wilpena Pound from the air (3)
Ross Shaw1: Wilpena Pound from the air (86)
Ross Shaw1: Wilpena Pound Ranges including ABC Range (1)
Ross Shaw1: Wilpena Pound from the air (9)
Ross Shaw1: Wilpena Pound from the air (90)
Ross Shaw1: Wilpena Pound from the air (72)
Ross Shaw1: Wilpena Pound from the air (96)
Ross Shaw1: Wilpena Pound from the air (87)
Ross Shaw1: Wilpena Pound from the air (127)
Ross Shaw1: Wilpena Pound from the air (26)
Ross Shaw1: Wilpena Pound from the air (100)
Ross Shaw1: Wilpena Pound from the air (29)
Ross Shaw1: Wilpena Pound from the air (30)