Calumbus gallery: BU06CUW Setra S315 owned by Robinson
Calumbus gallery: 1321 seen at Strencham services
Calumbus gallery: RIB8299 Duple 425 Preserved in Robin Hood livery
Calumbus gallery: RIB9457 Duple 425
Calumbus gallery: RIB9457 and RIB8289
Calumbus gallery: OTG44R AEC Reliance Duple Dominant preserved in Mid Devon Coaches livery
Calumbus gallery: MJI1940 Leyland Tiger Van Hool Alizee owned by Jones International
Calumbus gallery: VLT66 AEC Routemaster PRV
Calumbus gallery: JJD583D AEC Routemaster PRV restored in London Transport livery
Calumbus gallery: WWN191 AEC Reliance Harrington Cavalier restored in Neath and Cardiff livery
Calumbus gallery: Routemasters JJD583D and VLT66
Calumbus gallery: N912ETM Mercedes 709D Plaxton Beaver in Cotswold Green colours
Calumbus gallery: NCY626 AEC Reliance Weymann Fanfare restored in South Wales colours
Calumbus gallery: SWO986 Bristol MW6G ECW restored in Red and White colours
Calumbus gallery: GTX437 Leyland Tiger PS1
Calumbus gallery: 282DWN AEC Regent V restored in South Wales colours
Calumbus gallery: 423HCY AEC Regent V Metro Cammel Orion restored in South Wales colours
Calumbus gallery: 423HCY and 282DWN
Calumbus gallery: JAN-FEB2015 876
Calumbus gallery: JAN-FEB2015 877
Calumbus gallery: JAN-FEB2015 878
Calumbus gallery: JAN-FEB2015 879
Calumbus gallery: JAN-FEB2015 880
Calumbus gallery: JAN-FEB2015 881
Calumbus gallery: JAN-FEB2015 882