Snapshooter46: Horse and trap, Great Bucks Steam and Country Fair, August 2014
Snapshooter46: Horse and trap, Great Bucks Steam and Country Fair, August 2014
Snapshooter46: Sentinel S6, Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, 2014
Snapshooter46: Sentinel S6, Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, 2014
Snapshooter46: Wallis & Steevens road roller, 'Big Emma', at the Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, 2014
Snapshooter46: Wallis & Steevens road roller, 'Big Emma', at the Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, 2014
Snapshooter46: Wallis & Steevens road roller, 'Big Emma', at the Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, 2014
Snapshooter46: 1941 Foden STG5 winch truck, Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, 2014
Snapshooter46: 1941 Foden STG5 winch truck, Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, 2014
Snapshooter46: William Allchin traction engine 'Evedon Lad' at the Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, 2014
Snapshooter46: William Allchin traction engine 'Evedon Lad' at the Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, 2014
Snapshooter46: William Allchin traction engine 'Evedon Lad' at the Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, 2014
Snapshooter46: William Allchin traction engine 'Evedon Lad' at the Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, 2014
Snapshooter46: Burrell miniature agricultural traction engine 4½-inch scale 'Buddy' - Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, 2014
Snapshooter46: Burrell miniature agricultural traction engine 4½-inch scale 'Buddy' - Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, 2014
Snapshooter46: Little and Large - the Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, Shabbington, 2014
Snapshooter46: Delivery boy's bicycle, Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, Shabbington, 2014
Snapshooter46: Burrell miniature agricultural traction engine 4½-inch scale 'Buddy' - Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, 2014
Snapshooter46: Aveling and Porter road roller 'Stony Broke', Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, Shabbington, 2014
Snapshooter46: Aveling and Porter road roller 'Stony Broke', Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, Shabbington, 2014
Snapshooter46: Impression of a road locomotive
Snapshooter46: Tasker tractor 'The Little Giant - One of Kitcheners Boys', Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, Shabbington, 2014
Snapshooter46: Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, Shabbington, 2014
Snapshooter46: Oiling 'Jane Eyre', Great Bucks Steam & Country Fair, Shabbington, 2014
Snapshooter46: Minature Foden 6-wheel steam wagon, Shabbington August 2014
Snapshooter46: Minature Foden 6-wheel steam wagon, Shabbington August 2014
Snapshooter46: Minature Foden 6-wheel steam wagon, Shabbington August 2014
Snapshooter46: Oiling 'Jane Eyre', Shabbington, August 2014
Snapshooter46: Engine driver - Burrell tractor 'Jane Eyre', Reg. AH 0221
Snapshooter46: Oiling 'Jane Eyre', Shabbington, August 2014