Snapshooter46: Entrance to Selfridges, Birmingham
Snapshooter46: Sushi bar at Selfridges, Birmingham
Snapshooter46: New Library at Birmingham
Snapshooter46: Curzon Street Station, London and Birmingham Railway (1838)
Snapshooter46: Birmingham Library
Snapshooter46: Birmingham Library
Snapshooter46: International Convention Centre, Birmingham
Snapshooter46: International Convention Centre, Birmingham
Snapshooter46: International Convention Centre, Birmingham
Snapshooter46: "Never Morning Wore to Evening, But Some Heart did Break", 1894, by Walter Langley (1852-1922)
Snapshooter46: Travelling 1st-class
Snapshooter46: 'To Brighton and Back for 3s 6d', 1859, by Charles Rossiter (1827-1897)
Snapshooter46: Birmingham Art Gallery
Snapshooter46: Birmingham Art Gallery
Snapshooter46: Birmingham Art Gallery
Snapshooter46: Birmingham Art Gallery
Snapshooter46: 'February Fill Dyke', 1881, by Benjamin Williams Leader (1831-1923)
Snapshooter46: Bronze - 'Lucifer', by Jacob Epstein (1880-1959)
Snapshooter46: Birmingham Art Gallery
Snapshooter46: Bronze bust, Birmingham Art Gallery
Snapshooter46: The Right Honourable John Bright, M.P., by Bruce A. Joy
Snapshooter46: The Right Honourable John Bright, M.P., by Bruce A. Joy
Snapshooter46: The Right Honourable John Bright, M.P., by Bruce A. Joy
Snapshooter46: 'The Last of England', by Ford Madox Brown, 1852-55.
Snapshooter46: 'A Deacon', by Simeon Solmon, 1863
Snapshooter46: 'An English Autumn Afternoon', by Ford Madox Brown 1852-3, 1855
Snapshooter46: 'La Donna Della Finestra' (unfinished), by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1881.
Snapshooter46: Cast iron staircase, Birmingham Art Gallery
Snapshooter46: Pictures at an exhibition - the Birmingham Art Gallery
Snapshooter46: Pictures at an exhibition - the Birmingham Art Gallery