Snapshooter46: The Regent's Canal at Little Venice
Snapshooter46: Narrow boat at Little Venice
Snapshooter46: Trip boat on the Regent's Canal
Snapshooter46: Trip boat on the Regent's Canal
Snapshooter46: Trip boat on the Regent's Canal
Snapshooter46: Paddington Basin
Snapshooter46: Old canal toll house at Little Venice
Snapshooter46: Trip boat on the Regent's Canal
Snapshooter46: Apartment block at Paddington Basin
Snapshooter46: Trip boat on the Regent's Canal
Snapshooter46: Palatial house on the Regent's Canal, London
Snapshooter46: Macclesfield Bridge, Regent's Canal
Snapshooter46: Macclesfield Bridge, Regent's Canal
Snapshooter46: Macclesfield Bridge, Regent's Canal
Snapshooter46: The remains of Cumberland Arm
Snapshooter46: Jetty with geraniums on the Regent's Canal
Snapshooter46: Terraced houses by the Regent's Canal
Snapshooter46: LNWR Interchange Warehouse, Camden Lock
Snapshooter46: LNWR Interchange Warehouse, Camden Lock
Snapshooter46: Footbridge at Camden Lock
Snapshooter46: LNWR Interchange Warehouse, Camden Lock
Snapshooter46: Footbridge at Camden Lock
Snapshooter46: Trip boat at Camden Lock
Snapshooter46: Bric-a-brac stall, Camden Market
Snapshooter46: Chinese food stall, Camden Market
Snapshooter46: Man reading a newspaper
Snapshooter46: Lunchtime at Camden Locks
Snapshooter46: Woman in a red skirt, Camden Lock
Snapshooter46: Camden Locks
Snapshooter46: Sitting on a wall at Camden Locks