callisoo: the staircase to the studio
callisoo: Hattie w/ her pain au chocolat
callisoo: Picnic at the canal
callisoo: Picnic at the canal
callisoo: Cole, Michael and Katherine
callisoo: Michael
callisoo: thought it was pretty...
callisoo: Cole
callisoo: On the way back from the picnic
callisoo: the Site
callisoo: A weird looking louver holder
callisoo: A weird looking louver holder
callisoo: A weird looking louver holder
callisoo: Just bcz..
callisoo: Just bcz..
callisoo: Becky w/ her group project
callisoo: the Paper Sculpture
callisoo: Ours
callisoo: Elizabeth and Laura's
callisoo: Sean's group
callisoo: Sean's group
callisoo: The Battle
callisoo: Becky's group
callisoo: Becky, Me and Katherine
callisoo: My group for the scenography project
callisoo: Sean
callisoo: Chiew Hong
callisoo: Hattie w/ the generic postcard from Anne
callisoo: Oh..........GENjamin
callisoo: Hiking in Fontainebleau