callietr: Weighing in at 9 lbs
callietr: Bonding
callietr: Checking each other out
callietr: Cute sleeping
callietr: Us with baby
callietr: Mother & baby
callietr: Nate
callietr: Burrito Nate
callietr: Nate with Grandpa
callietr: With daddy
callietr: Snoozing on his first day
callietr: Right after birth
callietr: Right after Nate was born
callietr: Erik and Nate
callietr: Dad and son
callietr: Mother and child
callietr: Admiring our work
callietr: Soon after arriving home
callietr: Sleeping
callietr: Sweetly sleeping
callietr: Precious
callietr: Chilling with Uncle Greg
callietr: Uncle Greg and Nate
callietr: With grandma
callietr: Dude!
callietr: With great grandpa
callietr: Meeting great-grandpa
callietr: In the cosleeper by mom
callietr: Asleep
callietr: Cuddled up