michaelcalleia: I see you, but you don't see me
michaelcalleia: Polaroid 20x24 on Kodachrome
michaelcalleia: Kentile Floors
michaelcalleia: Whatever the Work May Be
michaelcalleia: Subway. Exit, Lispenard Street...
michaelcalleia: Statue of Liberty
michaelcalleia: Last of the leaves
michaelcalleia: Winter berries
michaelcalleia: Winter berries II
michaelcalleia: Geriatric Wonder Dog on Kodachrome
michaelcalleia: The city always moves
michaelcalleia: Santa Under the Pig
michaelcalleia: Park Slope, in Kodachrome
michaelcalleia: Christmas lights in bokehvision
michaelcalleia: 5th Ave. Brooklyn holiday lights
michaelcalleia: Exit, Smith–9th Sts
michaelcalleia: Subway double exposure
michaelcalleia: Kentile Floors, a Brooklyn landmark
michaelcalleia: Cat vs. deer
michaelcalleia: Our last roll of Kodachrome in our Nikon—just like the song