call-small: Broken Plexi: Fix me!
call-small: Lovely Windows!
call-small: Keeping the Staircase
call-small: Broken Kitchen!
call-small: Upstairs in the Highland
call-small: Exterior of Highland Dollhouse
call-small: Interior of Highland Dollhouse
call-small: Hmmm...Newspaper Wallpaper is not doing it for me!
call-small: Lonely Bath: Needs Work!
call-small: Haunted Kitchen!
call-small: Wallpaper is Coming Out
call-small: Sandy Exterior of Highland: Will Renovate
call-small: Highland Garage: Cobwebs have Parked!
call-small: Original Artply Catalogue: That's the Highland on the Bottom
call-small: BEFORE in the Artply
call-small: BEFORE #2 in the Artply
call-small: AFTER: Artply Loft Room
call-small: PRD Table
call-small: Artply Loft Room
call-small: Eames Elephant Looks On
call-small: Floor View
call-small: Artply Loft Room
call-small: New Wallpaper Almost Complete
call-small: Accent Wall Done in the Artply
call-small: Balcony
call-small: Shelving
call-small: Looking Out
call-small: A View into a Forlorn Moment
call-small: Forlorn Day
call-small: Modern Shelving Unit