Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Autumn mornings: sunshine and crisp air, birds and calmness, year’s end and day’s beginnings.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~ A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~One more cup of coffee for the road. One more cup of coffee 'fore I go to the valley below...
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Coffee with Christ
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Crisp air, pretty leaves, sweater and boots, football, pumpkins and coffee. I love fall!
Fire Fighter's Wife:
I like coffee because it gives me the ILLUSION that I might be awake.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
It's the little things in life ♥
Fire Fighter's Wife:
Counting the days until Christmas.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Tea time with Jesus
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Floating to shore...riding a low moon...on a slow cloud.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
Note to self: tea helps.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
I would rather have nothing but tea.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
Where the sunlight played...
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Here comes the summertime...
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Never shine sun, let the moon stay above. I wanna keep on keepin' on lovin' my love.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~A volte riuscivo a credere anche a sei cose impossibili prima di colazione...
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Roses on the Breeze...
Fire Fighter's Wife:
Cup O' Tea
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~For all the things my hands have held, the best by far was you.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
La vie est belle
Fire Fighter's Wife:
Time to enjoy a cozy autumn cuppa.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Life is like a cup of tea, it's all in how you make it.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
Tea, a good book, and mystery film.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
La Douleur Exquise
Fire Fighter's Wife:
Have a bowl of sunshine today.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~The Magic of Tea
Fire Fighter's Wife:
At Christmas, remember that a teapot is the gift that truly keeps on giving.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~It's all fun and games 'til Santa checks the naughty list.