Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Autumn is the hardest season. The leaves are all falling, and they’re falling like they’re falling in love with the ground.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
Me without you is like a nerd without braces, a shoe without laces, aSentenceWithoutSpaces.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~She was the type of girl the moon chased and stars wished for.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~You've always had the power, my dear. You just had to learn it for yourself.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Love is like winter. It can be beautiful and peaceful but also cruel and cold.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
The Creative Process
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~There is the bird that returns to its nest with just a frail worm and feeds it to her babies. And there is the bird that kills its frail babies just to eat the worm.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~True love is like a pair of socks. You gotta have two of them and they've gotta match.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Be able to set a table so that you feel like you’re dining, not just sitting and eating.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~She who leaps for the sky may fall, it's true. But she may also FLY.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Tea time with Jesus
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Luck is not in your hands but decision is in your hands. Your decision can make your luck but luck can't make your decision. So Trust Yourself.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
The Tea Master
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~With this Ring
Fire Fighter's Wife:
This time I'll take your heart in the palm of my hand.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
Where the sunlight played...
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Never shine sun, let the moon stay above. I wanna keep on keepin' on lovin' my love.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~To be lost, you have to know where it is you're supposed to be.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Let your heart be light. From now on our troubles will be out of sight....
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Until you discover the playfulness of the child within, you will not discover the playfulness of God. Dance in the rain, play in the mud, lose track of time, and maybe then you will find yourself lost in God, and found once and for all.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~The shell must break before the bird can fly...
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~You are beautiful and perfect and lovely however you are.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~I can’t control the wind but I can adjust the sail. [EXPLORED]
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Being cool is being your own self, not doing something that someone else is telling you to do.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Like graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate, we're better when we're together. [EXPLORED]
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~I'm not lost. I am exploring...
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~Sometimes when we're waiting for God to speak, He's waiting for us to listen.
Fire Fighter's Wife:
~If you’ve never experienced the joy of accomplishing more than you can imagine, plant a garden.