feathersandflora: Violet-green Swallow
feathersandflora: Black-backed Woodpecker
feathersandflora: Black-backed Woodpecker
feathersandflora: Black-backed Woodpecker
feathersandflora: Black-backed Woodpecker feeding chick
feathersandflora: "Thick-billed" Fox Sparrow
feathersandflora: White-headed Woodpecker
feathersandflora: Pine Siskin
feathersandflora: Brewer's Sparrow
feathersandflora: Mountain Bluebird returning to a nest in a Sierra Juniper
feathersandflora: Mountain Bluebird
feathersandflora: Mountain Bluebird in Sierra Juniper
feathersandflora: Nashville Warbler
feathersandflora: American Dipper
feathersandflora: Calliope Hummingbird
feathersandflora: White-faced Ibis over Sierra Valley
feathersandflora: Evening Grosbeak
feathersandflora: Brown Creeper
feathersandflora: Brown Creeper. Sagehen Creek Field Station. July 2018.
feathersandflora: Northern Goshawk. Sagehen Creek Field Station.
feathersandflora: Mountain Chickadee. Tahoe National Forest.
feathersandflora: Red-breasted Nuthatch. Tahoe National Forest.
feathersandflora: Hairy Woodpecker. Sagehen Creek Field Station.
feathersandflora: Western Wood-Pewee
feathersandflora: Northern Pygmy-Owl
feathersandflora: Distant views of a MacGillivray's Warbler
feathersandflora: White-crowned Sparrow
feathersandflora: Red-breasted Sapsucker
feathersandflora: Cooper's Hawk at Wildrose Canyon
feathersandflora: Lazuli Bunting at Wildrose Canyon