feathersandflora: California Scrub-Jay
feathersandflora: Song Sparrow
feathersandflora: California Towhee
feathersandflora: California Towhee
feathersandflora: Yellow-rumped Warbler
feathersandflora: Black Phoebe
feathersandflora: Mule Deer
feathersandflora: Western Gull
feathersandflora: Great Blue Heron
feathersandflora: Bio 101 at the Rancho Marino Reserve in Cambria, CA
feathersandflora: Golden-crowned Sparrow and Lace lichen
feathersandflora: Townsend's Warbler
feathersandflora: Townsend's Warbler
feathersandflora: Townsend's Warbler
feathersandflora: Great Blue Heron
feathersandflora: Hopkin's Rose and Spotted Triopha
feathersandflora: Surf grass in the intertidal
feathersandflora: Spotted triopha (Triopha maculata)
feathersandflora: Flat Porcelain Crab
feathersandflora: Pacific Purple Sea Urchin
feathersandflora: Flame lined chiton (Tonicella lokii)
feathersandflora: Flame lined chiton (Tonicella lokii)
feathersandflora: Bat Star (Patiria miniata)
feathersandflora: Six-rayed Star (Leptasterias hexactis)
feathersandflora: Red abalone (Haliotis rufescens)
feathersandflora: Red abalone (Haliotis rufescens)
feathersandflora: Ochre Sea Star (Pisaster ochraceus)
feathersandflora: Ochre Sea Star (Pisaster ochraceus), mid-meal