feathersandflora: The "former" BEES pond. Before the big leak and. New, improved pond coming soon!
feathersandflora: Cooper’s Hawk on the garden’s Bug Hotel
feathersandflora: Students rescuing the mosquito fish before we drain the pond
feathersandflora: Students helping build a path around the pond
feathersandflora: A counseling class working on "horticultural therapy"
feathersandflora: Western Pygmy Butterfly at BEES Garden
feathersandflora: White-crowned Sparrow
feathersandflora: California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica)
feathersandflora: Island Snapdragon (Galvezia speciosa)
feathersandflora: California box thorn, Lyceum californicum
feathersandflora: BEES garden is a certified Wildlife Habitat. Western Fence Lizard enjoying the habitat.
feathersandflora: Hummingbird Sage (Salvia spathacea)
feathersandflora: Woolly Bluecurls (Trichostema lanatum)
feathersandflora: Arbor for shade - before the paths were built!
feathersandflora: Skipper on Desert Marigold (Baileya multiradiata)
feathersandflora: Coast sunflower, Encelia californica
feathersandflora: Cooper’s Hawk
feathersandflora: Figeater beetles
feathersandflora: Western Fence Lizard
feathersandflora: BEES Garden after a much needed rain
feathersandflora: Thank you IVC facilities! we needed the help!
feathersandflora: Song Sparrow
feathersandflora: Anna's Hummingbird
feathersandflora: BEES Garden at Coastkeeper Garden. Plant Trade!
feathersandflora: White-crowned Sparrow, first of the 2019 winter season.
feathersandflora: Preparing for the new pond!
feathersandflora: California Rose (Rosa californica)
feathersandflora: Coffeeberry (Rhamnus californica)