CalevPhoto: The Gathering
CalevPhoto: Morning Show
CalevPhoto: Sunshine
CalevPhoto: Wake Up
CalevPhoto: A Nice Spot for a Snack
CalevPhoto: Foggy Morning
CalevPhoto: Simplicity
CalevPhoto: Sunrise on Lake Sammamish
CalevPhoto: 6O6C0930-Edit.jpg
CalevPhoto: By the Windmill
CalevPhoto: Tangled Day
CalevPhoto: From the Depths
CalevPhoto: The Patient Predator
CalevPhoto: Cormorant
CalevPhoto: By the Stream
CalevPhoto: Someday
CalevPhoto: Got my Eye on You
CalevPhoto: Cloudy Morning
CalevPhoto: By the Docks
CalevPhoto: A Wet Day
CalevPhoto: Northern Shrike
CalevPhoto: Sundrops
CalevPhoto: Out From the Crowd
CalevPhoto: Coot on the Lake
CalevPhoto: Hidden Sunrise
CalevPhoto: A Nice Day on the Log
CalevPhoto: A Less Than Perfect Landing
CalevPhoto: Pausing for a Portrait