Caldeira & Co.: My Saturn SC 2, Cooling off
Caldeira & Co.: My 1998 Saturn SC2 in 2007
Caldeira & Co.: Nov. 98, First day for baby car and me.
Caldeira & Co.: My 1998 Saturn SC2 in 2007
Caldeira & Co.: One of Dan's truck's this is the flat bed
Caldeira & Co.: They had just loaded my car and I asked them for a smile.
Caldeira & Co.: I had better put the pedel to the medal to catch up.
Caldeira & Co.: 55 I thought it was 55?
Caldeira & Co.: Dan and my baby car arrive at the Satrn dealer repair shop.
Caldeira & Co.: Time to say good by to Dan and his Bud.
Caldeira & Co.: Safe arrival
Caldeira & Co.: Dan Cates, is Cates Towing & Recycling out of Harrison Conunty, Iowa
Caldeira & Co.: Dan's Bud who helped with the tow.
Caldeira & Co.: Keith at Saturn of Bellevue Nebraska
Caldeira & Co.: 2008 Saturn Vue
Caldeira & Co.: Prot is alive and well and coming back soon
Caldeira & Co.: Farm dust on freshly washed car
Caldeira & Co.: Colony House, "I am back!"
Caldeira & Co.: Artist, Day Out.
Caldeira & Co.: Ram Truck
Caldeira & Co.: 1998 Saturn SC 2 one owner car, My Baby Car