Caldeira & Co.: Museum Of Religious Arts, Logan, Iowa
Caldeira & Co.: Museum Of Religious Arts, Logan, Iowa
Caldeira & Co.: God Light, taken at entry to Museum of Religious Arts in Logan Iowa
Caldeira & Co.: God Light, taken at entry to Museum of Religious Arts in Logan Iowa
Caldeira & Co.: The good Shepherd
Caldeira & Co.: Agony in the Garden
Caldeira & Co.: Jesus on the Cross.
Caldeira & Co.: "Behold The Lamb Of God"
Caldeira & Co.: "The New and Everlasting Covenant"
Caldeira & Co.: Mary with oils for the body of Jesus
Caldeira & Co.: Mary with oils for body of Jesus
Caldeira & Co.: And the Angel said "He is not here"
Caldeira & Co.: Museum of Religous Arts Logan Iowa
Caldeira & Co.: In shadow she is holding baby Jesus.
Caldeira & Co.: St. Patrick's Parish, Missouri Valley, Iowa
Caldeira & Co.: St. Patrick's Parish, Missouri Valley, Iowa
Caldeira & Co.: St Patrick's Parish St. Pat Statue
Caldeira & Co.: St Patrick's Parish, Iowa
Caldeira & Co.: St. Francis in the snow
Caldeira & Co.: St Patrick's Parish garden
Caldeira & Co.: St. Pat's prayer garden.
Caldeira & Co.: Snow Garden
Caldeira & Co.: St Patrick's Parish garden
Caldeira & Co.: Parish Garden
Caldeira & Co.: St Patricks Parish Garden
Caldeira & Co.: St. Patrick's Parish, Missouri Valley, Iowa
Caldeira & Co.: St. Patrick's Parish, Missouri Valley, Iowa
Caldeira & Co.: St. Patrick's Parish, Missouri Valley, Iowa
Caldeira & Co.: St Patrick's Parish, Iowa
Caldeira & Co.: Glove of Padre Peo