calamity kim: black kona cotton quilted with cotton/bamboo batting
calamity kim: painted with gesso using sponge brush
calamity kim: painted with gesso using sponge brush
calamity kim: gesso on left and bleach on right
calamity kim: discharged with bleach
calamity kim: quilted white kona cotton using shrink thread
calamity kim: using steam to shrink up thread
calamity kim: looks more quilty
calamity kim: nice texture without washing it
calamity kim: this will be great to paint dye on
calamity kim: some iron smutz! but the dye will cover it
calamity kim: after soaking in soda ash/ synthrapol solution
calamity kim: after soaking in soda ash/ synthrapol solution
calamity kim: with different color fiber reactive dyes painted on
calamity kim: with different color fiber reactive dyes painted on
calamity kim: with different color fiber reactive dyes painted on
calamity kim: with different color fiber reactive dyes painted on
calamity kim: with different color fiber reactive dyes painted on
calamity kim: looking up through the bottom of the plastic bin
calamity kim: looking up through the bottom of the plastic bin
calamity kim: looking up through the bottom of the plastic bin
calamity kim: silk/rayon velvet in the dye bath
calamity kim: example of quilted black fabric with gesso, bleach and gold inference paint
calamity kim: really like the discharged part