calamity kim: carolyn, deb
calamity kim: camille, deedee, anne
calamity kim: on the babes
calamity kim: wild stuff
calamity kim: on a lendrum
calamity kim: some of what the whole class spun
calamity kim: compost pile
calamity kim: lexi brought us all this cool stuff to use
calamity kim: fabric
calamity kim: woolly boogers
calamity kim: from LOOP
calamity kim: drum carders
calamity kim: batts in the belfry batts by kim perkins
calamity kim: my fancy kitty drum carder
calamity kim: deb's yarn
calamity kim: lexi teaching
calamity kim: on the wall
calamity kim: my ashford country spinner being used by deb
calamity kim: what I spun
calamity kim: shawn, camille