calamity kim: possible page
calamity kim: tea with the red queen
calamity kim: estate sale find! 15 bucks!
calamity kim: using metal tape on back of linen
calamity kim: back of fabric
calamity kim: high lighted with ink
calamity kim: image printed on organza
calamity kim: a page
calamity kim:
calamity kim: spider punched from black paper and mounted under leaf skeleton
calamity kim: organza inkjet image over paper with flowers
calamity kim: in the garden with alice
calamity kim: tea, perhaps?
calamity kim: old alice book cover
calamity kim: the book with be accordian type with fabric hinges
calamity kim: another page
calamity kim: front cover
calamity kim: watercolor pages being collaged over
calamity kim: accordion pages
calamity kim: hinged with fabric and ribbon
calamity kim: silk and t-shirt and commercial fabric torn and sewn for hinges
calamity kim: watercolor paper covered with vintage linen and bee keep drawing by my friend elizabeth
calamity kim: lace makes pocket for leaf