calamity kim:
step one
calamity kim:
step two
calamity kim:
step 3
calamity kim:
cut a few strips
calamity kim:
Continue adding strips and sewing down
calamity kim:
strap pattern
calamity kim:
I hand stitched the pockets in but it could be done after cutting the lining and before begining to stitch the front
calamity kim:
cut out straps
calamity kim:
sew ends of straps together at the small end
calamity kim:
layer with batting and pin
calamity kim:
sew bottom together with lining sides together.
calamity kim:
to cover seam
calamity kim:
stitch down in center
calamity kim:
fold under edges and stitch
calamity kim:
the other pocket
calamity kim:
calamity kim:
cut 1 1/4" strips to bind around edges
calamity kim:
inside with top portion of bag edge covered.
calamity kim:
stitch strap to bag.
calamity kim:
next will be the berries
calamity kim:
almost finished
calamity kim:
maybe a drawstring or button closure
calamity kim:
will be lovely with strawberries
calamity kim:
There are no Short cuts to any place worth going...
calamity kim:
felted wool blanket
calamity kim:
Almost finished
calamity kim:
strawberry bag finished
calamity kim: