calamity kim: Girl in Garden Wings It
calamity kim: flying geese audition
calamity kim: maybe a change of colors
calamity kim: from paper to fabric
calamity kim: on paper
calamity kim: not sure about geese
calamity kim: wip purse
calamity kim: wip collage purse
calamity kim: collage purse project
calamity kim: purse project
calamity kim: thatgirl
calamity kim: photo printed on silk
calamity kim: Finished!
calamity kim: Blowing bubbles is a fun way to while away the hours till story time...
calamity kim: The rabbit is rushing to tell the girl that its time for a story!
calamity kim: maybe the story willl be about fairies and magic spells
calamity kim: Maybe the story will be about aliens in saucers
calamity kim: 3D butterfly
calamity kim: Blowing bubbles until story time