calaggie: Walking Bridge in Düsseldorf Airport
calaggie: Luggage Belts at Düsseldorf International
calaggie: Camel-Sponsored Umbrellas
calaggie: Empty Lowel Level of a Building
calaggie: Pavilion Pizza Shack
calaggie: Tower of St. Suitbertus Church
calaggie: "W" Embedded in Sidewalk
calaggie: Trail From Christofstrasse to Campus
calaggie: Looks Like Rain
calaggie: Waiting at the Bus Stop
calaggie: Frederick's Palace
calaggie: Redbrick Architecture
calaggie: Granite Horse and Man In Front of Aquazoo
calaggie: Memorial to the 39th Regiment
calaggie: Closer Picture of 39th Regiment Memorial
calaggie: Text Near 39th Reigment Memorial
calaggie: Flowers inside Weimar Memorial
calaggie: Where Troops Would Stand in Tribute
calaggie: The Tour Bus
calaggie: Detail of the Sculpted Soldiers
calaggie: Going Across Rhein in Northwest Direction
calaggie: Going Across Rhein in Southeast Direction
calaggie: Postmodern Shiny Metal Building
calaggie: Police Station in Düsseldorf
calaggie: Brick Building and Trees from the Bus
calaggie: Kunstsammlung of Northrhein-Westfalia
calaggie: Learn English at the Wall Street Institute
calaggie: Daisuki Manga Magazine
calaggie: Volumes 29-43 of One Piece in German
calaggie: Manga Twister