Scott Cain: Hole in the roof
Scott Cain: Pickers quarters
Scott Cain: Pickers garage
Scott Cain: Three legged tractor
Scott Cain: Rogers rd color light
Scott Cain: Sunshine in the fog
Scott Cain: Bohemian fog
Scott Cain: Before the solstice
Scott Cain: Orchard gate in evening reprise
Scott Cain: Omena MI
Scott Cain: Winter Light in the Trees
Scott Cain: Morning light at the gate
Scott Cain: Ephemeral looking glass
Scott Cain: Ephemeral looking glass
Scott Cain: The way to the third orchard
Scott Cain: Some color hiding within the gloom
Scott Cain: Engels at daybreak
Scott Cain: Field of color at daybreak
Scott Cain: Fall field at daybreak
Scott Cain: Half tunnel to work LR
Scott Cain: I am taciturn
Scott Cain: Christmas cove 2018 LR
Scott Cain: Peterson Park Beach stairs LR
Scott Cain: Cat Head Path LR
Scott Cain: Happy Hour Barn LR
Scott Cain: Barn east of Happy Hour LR
Scott Cain: Kamp Grounds LR
Scott Cain: Carlson Rd LR
Scott Cain: East of Carlson Rd
Scott Cain: Clausen and Melkild rd LR