caijsa's postcards: Castle Toblino in Trentino, Italy
caijsa's postcards: Italy, Verona, Bra Square
caijsa's postcards: Flowers from Italy
caijsa's postcards: Italy, Verona - the Pietra Bridge
caijsa's postcards: Venezia- Basilica of St. Marcus
caijsa's postcards: Verona - Roman Theatre
caijsa's postcards: Italy, Verona - San Zeno and Scaligero Bridge
caijsa's postcards: Italy, Verona - Piazza delle Erbe
caijsa's postcards: Italy, Verona - The Arena
caijsa's postcards: Roma, Vaticano - Michelangelo : The Sistine Chapel
caijsa's postcards: Italy, Venezia
caijsa's postcards: Venezia- Basilica of St. Marcus
caijsa's postcards: Venezia- Basilica of St. Marcus
caijsa's postcards: Monza, Treasure of the Cathedral
caijsa's postcards: Italy, Venezia
caijsa's postcards: Juliet's tomb
caijsa's postcards: Cathedral Square
caijsa's postcards: Sorrento and Mount Vesuvius
caijsa's postcards: Limone Sul Garda, Lake Garda, Italy
caijsa's postcards: Sirmione, Lago di Garda
caijsa's postcards: Lago di Garda, Sirmione, il Castello
caijsa's postcards: Italy, Verona, Castelvechio Bridge
caijsa's postcards: Venezia - Basilica di S. Marco, King Salomone
caijsa's postcards: Italy, Verona - Piazza Dante and Scala della Ragione
caijsa's postcards: Venezia - St. Marcus Basilica
caijsa's postcards: Venezia - Basilica di S. Marcus, The gold " Pala"
caijsa's postcards: Italy, Verona - The Scaligeri Graves and Statue of Cangrande