cag2012: Crowded at Silver Spring platform
cag2012: Union Station breakfast
cag2012: Union Station, crowded as well
cag2012: Union Station
cag2012: This sign could not have been more giant
cag2012: This sign could not have been more giant
cag2012: Streaming in to the mall
cag2012: Streaming in to the mall
cag2012: Whole lot of news trucks
cag2012: Raleigh for Sanity
cag2012: Crowded already
cag2012: Your brain on tea
cag2012: Signs
cag2012: Don't be Yellow-Bellied
cag2012: Crazy duck hat
cag2012: Politicians Make it Too Easy for Comedians
cag2012: Crazy in Love vs. Politics
cag2012: Calm Down
cag2012: Police Crow's Nest
cag2012: Unite Against the Robots
cag2012: Plenty of signs
cag2012: The Gayrabs
cag2012: My Other Sign is Inflammatory
cag2012: Fear and farts
cag2012: Waiting for the rally
cag2012: Simon and Clark
cag2012: Megaphone = excellent toy
cag2012: Ready to shout?
cag2012: Can you tell Clark is learning to walk?
cag2012: Wrong end, but cute