cag2012: No swimming
cag2012: Hitting the windy beach
cag2012: Crazy waves
cag2012: Simon contemplates the ocean
cag2012: Foam on the shore
cag2012: Getting sandblasted
cag2012: Getting sandblasted II
cag2012: Windy beach walk
cag2012: Run, Meghan, run!
cag2012: Foam kickin' fun
cag2012: So windy
cag2012: Walkin'
cag2012: Frothy Atlantic
cag2012: My toes in the frothy foam
cag2012: Album cover?
cag2012: Run!
cag2012: Dunes
cag2012: Foam!
cag2012: Windy beach walk II
cag2012: It's even harder to walk against the wind
cag2012: Woo doggies
cag2012: Meghan gets blasted
cag2012: Oscar gets blasted
cag2012: Simon's stand-up hair
cag2012: We look like we walked through a hurricane
cag2012: Double MacGyver setup
cag2012: Trash talking
cag2012: Think about Life, guys
cag2012: Lined up
cag2012: Frisbee