cag2012: Taking pictures
cag2012: Pre-jump, or pre-kick?
cag2012: Oblivious to the wall of fire
cag2012: Taking more pictures
cag2012: Curry moves in
cag2012: Shooting sparkle at us
cag2012: Watching
cag2012: Fireworks down the street
cag2012: Biscuits does the honor
cag2012: They look like something out of a weird Disney movie
cag2012: Jumping
cag2012: Holding hands into the sparkle
cag2012: Watching more sparkly fun
cag2012: Purple rain
cag2012: Curry, about to do something terrible no doubt
cag2012: Curry jumps
cag2012: Eric, in his own pyro world
cag2012: Sparkler fail
cag2012: This cloud of red smoke has legs and shoes
cag2012: Curry shows his 4th spirit
cag2012: Sparkly things make us happy
cag2012: Watching from the porch
cag2012: Yet another jump
cag2012: Sparkle fizz
cag2012: More sparkle fizz
cag2012: On the corner
cag2012: Meghan lights it up
cag2012: Sparkle on the corner
cag2012: More jumping
cag2012: Eric jumps