cafemama: play equipment at laurelhurst park
cafemama: truman playing with the barn
cafemama: everett playing with trains
cafemama: twirling, cafe au play on the road at urban grind
cafemama: everett through the tunnel
cafemama: everett peeking out of tunnel
cafemama: the art project (complete), cafe au play on the road at urban grind
cafemama: wings down, cafe au play on the road at urban grind
cafemama: truman plays the piano, june 18
cafemama: truman playing soccer
cafemama: everett climbing the cool red play structure
cafemama: carter playing in tidepools, manzanita beach, april 2005
cafemama: playing with the big kids
cafemama: truman playing with the big kids
cafemama: telly on the tire swing
cafemama: quiet moment before the cafe au play auction
cafemama: gladstone coffee, with truman
cafemama: everett playing, after ballet
cafemama: truman playing with trucks at close knit
cafemama: everett and truman, bus stop, 34th and hawthorne
cafemama: everett using computer on bus, as max goes by outside
cafemama: truman, down and dirty
cafemama: playing the wheelbarrow
cafemama: truman walking the beams
cafemama: truman and everett coloring at starbucks
cafemama: truman and the swimming pool
cafemama: truman playing operation, funky door cafe
cafemama: everett and friend, creston park
cafemama: truman, thoughtful, in kenilworth park
cafemama: lunch