caesandra: a layer of food
caesandra: a layer of worms
caesandra: adding brown matter
caesandra: bottom layer of twigs, branches at bottom
caesandra: build the pile up, not out
caesandra: building a hoop house
caesandra: cap it off with soil
caesandra: clippings help absorb smells
caesandra: clippings should be chemical free
caesandra: compost does need moisture
caesandra: digging in
caesandra: even the littlest helpers have muscle!
caesandra: everyone pitches in
caesandra: getting the hands dirty
caesandra: hoop house 101
caesandra: IMG_3029
caesandra: IMG_3035
caesandra: IMG_3038
caesandra: IMG_3061
caesandra: IMG_3063
caesandra: IMG_3066
caesandra: IMG_3069
caesandra: IMG_3079
caesandra: IMG_3088
caesandra: IMG_3108
caesandra: IMG_3109
caesandra: IMG_3110
caesandra: layer soil and waste
caesandra: lots of veggie waste
caesandra: now some shredded compost