caesandra: pajamas day
caesandra: Creative Connections!
caesandra: post waterballoon or jello-pie throwing
caesandra: Amy, Monica and Margaret
caesandra: Mary and Kerry
caesandra: Vernetta Johnson
caesandra: goofing outside Ms Counts room/rooftop
caesandra: Melody and ??
caesandra: Mary and me (Ms Counts classroom)
caesandra: 1993 Senior Portrait
caesandra: Tish and pal
caesandra: Brian and Russian exchange student?
caesandra: Mr. Fine, art teacher
caesandra: me and the Royals mascot, Rex? Leo??
caesandra: Kent
caesandra: Sean
caesandra: Sean Slattery
caesandra: Jeremy and Kent
caesandra: Fasching at Creative Connections
caesandra: Cameron and Eve
caesandra: Kate and Sayeed
caesandra: Justin and Darci
caesandra: Scott Ralph and Halle Johnson
caesandra: Kerry
caesandra: Monica, Sayeed, Melissa, me, Eve
caesandra: Jonathan, Tish, me, Carey
caesandra: Tish Lopez and friends