caesandra: projecting the design
caesandra: transferring mural design to board
caesandra: the face will be the "rest" area
caesandra: almost finished with the face
caesandra: we mixed the flesh tone
caesandra: the colorwheel tool showed us to mix blue and orange
caesandra: edging in the cheek
caesandra: finally getting some color down
caesandra: filling the boxes with a soil mixture
caesandra: pre-drilling pilot holes
caesandra: adding peat moss to the soil and amendment
caesandra: P1030448
caesandra: P1030449
caesandra: P1030447
caesandra: sgrafitto undercoat 9
caesandra: sgrafitto undercoat 8
caesandra: sgrafitto undercoat 7
caesandra: sgrafitto undercoat 6
caesandra: sgrafitto undercoat 4
caesandra: sgrafitto undercoat 3
caesandra: sgrafitto undercoat detail 1
caesandra: sgrafitto undercoat detail 2
caesandra: sgrafitto undercoat 1
caesandra: sgrafitto undercoat 2
caesandra: Haven's HOPE
caesandra: loading and scratching the blue