caesandra: Aitina leads the choreography
caesandra: a move from Michael Jackson's Thriller
caesandra: blending blending BLENDING
caesandra: pedal fast!
caesandra: YES, it's working!!
caesandra: one smoothie coming up
caesandra: thumbs up--it's tasty!
caesandra: Keith gets his blood sugar checked
caesandra: pedaling is easy!
caesandra: healthy trail mix
caesandra: hot potato brain TRIVIA
caesandra: TRIVIA game
caesandra: veggies in a cup!
caesandra: no fatty granola in this trail mix
caesandra: high fiber low fat trail mix
caesandra: jello cups
caesandra: peaches added to jello
caesandra: veggie cups 2
caesandra: fresh fruit cups
caesandra: "I know I know I KNOW!"
caesandra: 8 count body builder1
caesandra: mountain climber 2
caesandra: mountain climber 1
caesandra: twist up at the end
caesandra: Keith shows the boys how each exercise goes
caesandra: mountain climber 3
caesandra: stretch to Michael Jackson's Beat It!
caesandra: Beat It! movement
caesandra: Beat It! movement 2
caesandra: Beat It! movement 3