cadmiumred: Joseph, aka Murray
cadmiumred: Evil getting down
cadmiumred: Joseph and the pumpkin
cadmiumred: Sunglasses
cadmiumred: Me and Ann
cadmiumred: Kate likes big cigars.
cadmiumred: Smooch
cadmiumred: Laura is an Elvis Impersonator!
cadmiumred: Joseph the Cookie
cadmiumred: Gingerbread Nativity Scene
cadmiumred: My new BFF
cadmiumred: Playing Castle requires the utmost concentration.
cadmiumred: Uncle Chris
cadmiumred: Danielle eats the big leaf
cadmiumred: Finally, we eat
cadmiumred: We are going crazy waiting for dinner
cadmiumred: Me and Danielle in ye olde village
cadmiumred: Ann with the pretty lights
cadmiumred: Ann is a teacher
cadmiumred: Bunny Dinner
cadmiumred: Junk in the trunk
cadmiumred: Watching the idiots in the mexico truck
cadmiumred: Joseph meets the admiral
cadmiumred: Chris and the admiral
cadmiumred: Chris demonstrates how the Admiral climbs the stairs (part 1)
cadmiumred: Chris demonstrates how the Admiral climbs the stairs (part 2)
cadmiumred: Zuck's portrait of me on a napkin
cadmiumred: Sally Jessi was a scientist
cadmiumred: Sitting
cadmiumred: touching the camera