Cadbury Research Library:
Engraving of Sarah Biffin
Cadbury Research Library:
Public appeal for contributions to a fund, for the purchase of an annuity for Sarah Biffin
Cadbury Research Library:
Printed portrait of Harriet Martineau
Cadbury Research Library:
Harriet Martineau’s manuscript autobiography
Cadbury Research Library:
‘An imperial obligation. Industrial villages for partially disabled soldiers and sailors’
Cadbury Research Library:
Exeter Cathedral information in Braille
Cadbury Research Library:
Cathedrals Through Touch and Hearing. Progress Report, April 1990-March 1991. University of Birmingham
Cadbury Research Library:
Sherborne Movement / In Touch newsletter, 1996
Cadbury Research Library:
Broad Sheet, Volume IV No.3, March 1972
Cadbury Research Library:
Minutes of the Birmingham Institution for the Relief of Deafness
Cadbury Research Library:
Newspaper articles reporting on ‘The first annual meeting of the Birmingham Institution for the Relief of Deafness’
Cadbury Research Library:
‘Proceedings of the VII Commonwealth and International Conference on Sport, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, volume 5, Disabled’. 1982
Cadbury Research Library:
‘An illustrated vocabulary, for the use of the deaf and dumb’
Cadbury Research Library:
‘Elements of speech: an essay of inquiry into natural production of letters’
Cadbury Research Library:
‘Blind People: Their Works and Ways’
Cadbury Research Library:
‘Blind People: Their Works and Ways’
Cadbury Research Library:
‘Blind People: Their Works and Ways’
Cadbury Research Library:
‘Instruction of the deaf and dumb, or a theoretical and practical view of the means by which they are taught to speak and understand a language’
Cadbury Research Library:
‘A Historical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of Literature for The Blind: and Practical Hints and Recommendations as to their Education’
Cadbury Research Library:
‘The Lost senses. Series II, Blindness’
Cadbury Research Library:
‘The Genius of the Blind, a poem in five cantus, composed in total blindness by Edmund H. White’
Cadbury Research Library:
‘Touching the rock. An experience of blindness’
Cadbury Research Library:
‘Disability. The Inclusive Church Resource’
Cadbury Research Library:
National Institute for the Blind socks and stockings advertisement, The Rucksack, 1937.
Cadbury Research Library:
Students playing wheelchair basketball in the old gymnasium, UB/P/10/1/15
Cadbury Research Library:
Handwritten, embossed card from Charles Dickens quoting from A Christmas Carol, 12 February 1844. Cadbury Research Library HMP/105