cactusinthesea: St Paul taking time to reflect
cactusinthesea: The Salvation Army HQ Front Entrance
cactusinthesea: The Salvation Army Building
cactusinthesea: Reflection of a Road Accident
cactusinthesea: A sign of our times, as Jesus reflects on the accident
cactusinthesea: Accidental Reflection
cactusinthesea: Is this Sally looking for Salvation, I wonder?
cactusinthesea: Coming, going and moving along
cactusinthesea: Go marching in 2 by 2, Hurrah, HURRAH!
cactusinthesea: Feet up for reflection
cactusinthesea: She admires the view; they appreciate the coffee
cactusinthesea: She whispered. He listened. Was it overheard?
cactusinthesea: One observer
cactusinthesea: Two onlookers
cactusinthesea: Tate Modern 3
cactusinthesea: Cafe Entrance and Auditorium viewed in reverse?
cactusinthesea: Going down, walking past and almost certainly never to meet
cactusinthesea: Two's company and with reflection does three make a menage a trois?
cactusinthesea: Double Twisted Helix? Does DNA have this much fun?
cactusinthesea: Caught going down the tube
cactusinthesea: In their decent they consider themselves above the herd
cactusinthesea: After time, just getting between one Exhibit and the next became a blur to the onlooker
cactusinthesea: Bit of a blur
cactusinthesea: X Marks the Front Exit
cactusinthesea: St Paul's absence from the Last Supper?