Kirby_Wilson: Just arrived
Kirby_Wilson: Old and New
Kirby_Wilson: Late bloomer
Kirby_Wilson: On the way for the fish
Kirby_Wilson: Kuusinkijoki reflection
Kirby_Wilson: Northern Forest
Kirby_Wilson: Kuusinkijok rapids
Kirby_Wilson: Kitkajoki rapids
Kirby_Wilson: Trail to the River
Kirby_Wilson: Grayling adipose fin
Kirby_Wilson: Grayling Dorsal fin
Kirby_Wilson: Adipose fin Grayling
Kirby_Wilson: Grayling Dorsal fin profile
Kirby_Wilson: Grayling
Kirby_Wilson: Grayling Back
Kirby_Wilson: Grayling Fish eye
Kirby_Wilson: Sight from above
Kirby_Wilson: I see you!
Kirby_Wilson: The spot for the big Trout
Kirby_Wilson: Trying for one of the Big ones!
Kirby_Wilson: 04_08_2011_117
Kirby_Wilson: August Colors
Kirby_Wilson: Camp Fire
Kirby_Wilson: Salmilampi yellow and green
Kirby_Wilson: Checking the nets.
Kirby_Wilson: Cruising Salmilampi
Kirby_Wilson: Salmilampi Resort
Kirby_Wilson: Kuusamo Reflection
Kirby_Wilson: Saunavaara look out
Kirby_Wilson: Storm by Saunavaara