ca_little: Give props.
ca_little: Dwarfed
ca_little: Who says girl can't fly an F-15?
ca_little: Blackbird, not singing in the dead of night.
ca_little: Critters in the landing gear
ca_little: Belly of the beast
ca_little: AV-8A Harrier
ca_little: @xwordy indeed ;-)
ca_little: A little fella is excited.
ca_little: I know my wife is a closet geek when she gets excited by my indoor RC helicopter.
ca_little: @richardblais Although we appear to have suffered a mid-flight decompression due to door malfunction.
ca_little: Headed home!
ca_little: Mini-mini F/A-18
ca_little: Devin, Me and Sean Tucker
ca_little: mann364-R2-E143
ca_little: mann364-R2-E142
ca_little: mann364-R2-E141
ca_little: mann364-R2-E140
ca_little: mann364-R2-E042
ca_little: mann364-R2-E023
ca_little: McKinley Air Service
ca_little: mann364-R2-E018
ca_little: mann364-R2-E015
ca_little: Mann777-R5-E184
ca_little: Mann777-R5-E183
ca_little: Mann777-R5-E182
ca_little: Mann777-R5-E181
ca_little: Mann777-R5-E180
ca_little: Mann777-R5-E179