c_nilsen: Alton Brown
c_nilsen: Alton Brown at the Stanford Shopping Center
c_nilsen: Emerson Street in Palo Alto
c_nilsen: Bell's Books
c_nilsen: Tree near the Palo Alto library
c_nilsen: Tree in the yard of the Palo Alto library
c_nilsen: Selection of flowers
c_nilsen: Flowers in Palo Alto
c_nilsen: Ivy on the side of Union Bank in Palo Alto
c_nilsen: Mosaic chair
c_nilsen: Leaf design
c_nilsen: Spaceship
c_nilsen: Burrito at El Cerrito in Palo Alto
c_nilsen: Red sun on Bayshore Blvd
c_nilsen: Lines of palm trees
c_nilsen: Side of Mathematics building
c_nilsen: Entrance to the Mathematics building
c_nilsen: Hallway
c_nilsen: Hallway
c_nilsen: Memorial Court
c_nilsen: Harold Hatch McAllilster fountain
c_nilsen: End of Memorial Court
c_nilsen: Lines of palm trees
c_nilsen: Lines of palm trees