c_nilsen: Library of Congress
c_nilsen: Down First Street
c_nilsen: American flag
c_nilsen: Front of the Library of Congress
c_nilsen: Library of Congress sign
c_nilsen: Lamppost
c_nilsen: Library of Congress
c_nilsen: Capitol Building
c_nilsen: Art deco lamppost
c_nilsen: Capitol Building
c_nilsen: Library of Congress
c_nilsen: Capitol Building
c_nilsen: Entrance to the Library of Congress
c_nilsen: Right side of the Library of Congress
c_nilsen: Hope for America
c_nilsen: Capitol Building
c_nilsen: Capitol Building
c_nilsen: Walkway of the Library of Congress
c_nilsen: Left side of the Library of Congress
c_nilsen: Capitol Building
c_nilsen: Archway
c_nilsen: Archway
c_nilsen: Look up to the second level
c_nilsen: Minerva statue
c_nilsen: Theology
c_nilsen: Bond
c_nilsen: Scales
c_nilsen: Government by the People
c_nilsen: Second level
c_nilsen: Stairway to the Reading Room