c_nilsen: Lamppost at the Breakers
c_nilsen: The Breakers, side view
c_nilsen: Close-up of The Breakers
c_nilsen: Gargoyle at the Breakers
c_nilsen: Gate at the Breakers
c_nilsen: Archways at the Breakers
c_nilsen: The back end of the Breakers
c_nilsen: The Breakers
c_nilsen: Lion & unicorn on the meeting hall
c_nilsen: Church in Boston
c_nilsen: The old city hall of Boston
c_nilsen: Park in Boston
c_nilsen: Boston Gardens
c_nilsen: Spiral shrubs at the Boston Gardens
c_nilsen: Graves of the victims of the Boston Massacre & Samuel Adams
c_nilsen: Mary "Mother" Goose's grave
c_nilsen: Granary Burying Ground
c_nilsen: Skull & crossbones on a grave
c_nilsen: Paul Revere's grave
c_nilsen: The Granary Burying Ground in Boston